COMPANY : Technovalab Innovaciones EIRL
Company location: Lima, Peru
PCB Solution FBL
Server v4.3
The Most Advanced Interactive Automotive Electronics Software
2025 - I - Official
Development of PMIC module
We know that the integrated circuits responsible for supplying power to the various stages of a mobile phone and/or tablet are known as PMI - PMU - IC power.
However, we decided to go much further by applying our foundation in electronic engineering to the point of designing our own power stage! Unlike a simple linear voltage regulator or DC-DC switching regulation, these integrated circuits offer a very robust operating system, always knowing what task is being performed. If there is any issue, it can communicate it in real time to a processor via an I2C interface. In this way, different actions can be taken to protect the circuit
Development of a charging module for lithium-ion batteries with software monitoring
After a few months of free time, we decided to embark on developing a load analyzer that goes beyond just measuring voltage, current, and power. We had in mind to gather much more valuable information and, above all, gain greater control over what to do with the measured variables. We managed to create a robust, very compact board, and we developed its control software in Java. It is now widely used in our laboratory for research on multiple power lines where high precision in measurements is required.
In this project, we applied the same knowledge that our students learn in their studies about circuit analysis, regulators, current sensing, USB ports, integrated circuits, capacitors, diodes, switches, resistors, oscillators, transistors, configurations, voltage dividers, stages, and much more...
Why do we use ceramic capacitors?
Low-capacity ceramic capacitors: Low-capacity ceramic capacitors are commonly used in surface-mounted electronic circuits due to their low cost, compact size, and good ability to work with high frequencies. Their role in signal lines is mainly to filter noise and stabilize signals.
Capacitors in parallel: It is true that multiple capacitors are used in parallel to enhance the filtering capacity. By placing them in parallel, the total capacitance value increases, which improves the filtering capacity for unwanted frequencies, as capacitors in parallel have a combined higher capacitance.
Expanding bandwidth and filtering noise: Using capacitors in parallel achieves better high-frequency noise filtering, which can effectively expand the bandwidth, as interference from unwanted signals in the circuit is minimized.
Reactance (Xc): Capacitive reactance (Xc) is the opposition a capacitor offers to alternating current. The statement that reactance depends on the signal frequency is correct. At high frequencies, capacitive reactance is low, allowing the capacitor to act as a low-pass filter, blocking low-frequency signals and allowing high-frequency signals to pass through (i.e., filtering noise)
Enhancement-type MOSFET ( N-channel )
Analysis of a MOSFET transistor
In the field of electronics and microelectronics, transistors have been a key part in the construction of integrated circuits and their miniaturization.
In the animation, we can see a type of FET (Field Effect Transistor), specifically an E-MOSFET of the enhancement type. This last term indicates that by biasing the gate (G), we attract electrons, and these form a channel with negative charges that we can control with a bias on the Drain (D) and Source (S) terminals.
In our studies, we work with circuits using different types of transistors, analyzing the electronic layouts of various devices, and much more...
Depletion-type MOSFET ( N-channel )
Analysis of a MOSFET transistor
Here we can see, now in the animation, a MOSFET transistor, but this time it is of the Depletion type. This means that initially we have a formed channel, and when we supply a negative voltage to the gate, we attract positive charges from the material, which depletes the channel, hence the name. Because positive charges approach the N-channel, the electron flow (current) is blocked, and this is how we can control the current flow through this component. In your classes, you will learn more details by analyzing its behavior graph..